miércoles, 23 de noviembre de 2022

SEO copywriting: 7 Tips


What is SEO copywriting?

SEO copywriting is the practice of producing keyword-optimized content that's designed to appeal to human users and search engine algorithms.

SEO copywriting is both a key element and a big challenge in every SEO strategy. 

SEO copywriting is exactly as it sounds. First: You’ve got the SEO part: optimizing for search engines(SE), and 

Second: you’ve got the copywriting part: writing for the purpose of marketing or advertising. SEO copywriting is basically the creation of SEO Content.

SEO copywriting is the process of writing content that is useful, ranks well, and communicates expertise and value to your target audience.

The practice of effective SEO copywriting has changed a lot of people over the years.


Always start with keyword research

The very first step of SEO copywriting has little to do with writing. First, you need to decide what you’re going to write about. Which topics do you want to be found for? You’ll need to use the keywords you want to rank for in your copy, so the first step of SEO copywriting is keyword research. Keyword research is what you do in order to list the keywords and keyphrases for which you want to rank for.

Second: Make a list of relevant keywords. Once you have formulated a clear mission statement, you can start making a list of all the search terms (keywords) you want your website to be found for. If your mission is clear, you should have little trouble coming up with search terms that apply to your niche market and your unique selling points. These will be the keywords you want to be found for.

Copywriting:  is the act or occupation of writing text for the purpose of advertising or other forms of marketing.

A copywriter is someone who creates written messaging for a business or organization, usually with the intent to sell or promote a product.

It’s well established that SEO copywriting is all about creating useful content for humans, with the right keywords for search engines, just like Google or Yahoo!. Of course you want your website is ranked in a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) as high as possible.

SEO copywriting: combines the technical aspects of keywords and entities with the art of writing great content for your human audience. This discipline brings together several quantitative and qualitative considerations to produce content found by Google-Yahoo and entices your readers to take action.

Successful blog How to.

In order for your blog to be successful, you need to do more than just “write content". Your copy needs to:

  1. Appeal to your target audience
  2. Solve a specific problem
  3. Show how YOU, specifically, solve that problem

The easiest way to convey all of the above is by using strategic SEO keywords to drive targeted traffic to your website.

 So what is SEO?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization(SEO). It refers to the process of writing your website copy and setting up your site in a way that helps it appear on best places in a Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

The perfect SEO cycle

Let’s deal with the obvious first. The best way for a website to get onto the first page in a search engine result (other than buying an ad, that is) is to fill the site with useful information.

The more useful the information, the more people visit the site, the more popular the site looks to search engines, the more the search engines rate the site highly, the more people visit the site. It’s the perfect SEO cycle.Therefore, that great SEO copywriting starts with great copywriting. All the usual well known vital rules apply.

  • Know your audience
  • Write about subjects that interest them
  • Choose the right structure, length and tone of voice
  • Make it crystal clear what you want your audience to think, feel or do, and
  • Load your copy with undeniable benefits.

Short- and long-tail keywords

Give your site the best chance of being found by using as many variations of your main keywords as possible.


Follow these SEO copywriting tips and you’ll be on the road to more website traffic!

  1. Understand (and match) keyword intent
  2. Get to the point
  3. Refrain from keyword stuffing
  4. Speak your audience’s language
  5. Shoot for the featured snippet
  6. Think hard about your headline
  7. Optimize your meta tags

Three phases of writing an article Once you’ve decided upon a topic or a story you want to write, the actual SEO copywriting begins! The SEO writing process consists of three stages: preparing(40%), writing(20%) and correcting (40% or editing).

The 5 most important elements of SEO copywriting

Like has been said: there are lots of things that contribute to a web page’s SERP ranking, but when it comes to copy, the most important elements are:

  1. Headlines
  2. Content
  3. Meta descriptions
  4. Keyword frequency and density
  5. Page links


Use Keywords in Headlines and Title Tags

Title tags (the large blue text at the top of search results) are among the strongest relevancy signals for a search engine. These provide an accurate description of the page’s content. Ideally, the keywords  should be placed at the start of the title tag. Capitalize First letters.

Keywords in H1, H2 and H3 header tags

From an SEO copywriter’s point of view, writing good H1, H2 and H3 tags is simply about writing good headlines and subheads – something good copywriters have been doing for years anyway – and making sure they contain a keyword or two.

The H1 tag – the main headline – is the most important in terms of SEO as this usually becomes the title tag for that page.

Most Content Management Systems operate like word processors and allow you to highlight words and phrases you want to make bigger, bold, underlined or italic. In WordPress, you can format headings using the HTML coding in text mode or the drop-down menu in visual mode.

If you’re using Word or an equivalent word processor, you could use the Design or Styles menu to vary the font size of headings and subheadings.

Hyperlinks create a bit of a dilemma for SEO copywriters. They are extremely useful SEO tools but if used inappropriately (i.e. using keywords to link to inappropriate sites or pages), search engines will penalise websites and rank them lower.

Anchor text is the clickable text in a hyperlink. Keywords in anchor text are one of the many signals search engines use to determine the topic of a web page so they should be relevant to the page they link to, rather than generic such as “click here”.

“Click here” tells the search engine that the page the hyperlink links to is about the subject “click here”. If you have a page showing your opening hours, don’t write “click here for our opening hours” just write “opening hours” and make “opening hours” the anchor text for the link.

Keywords in alt text

Alt text (alternative text) is a word or phrase that can be inserted in an HTML document to tell site viewers the nature or contents of an image. The term “alt tag” is a commonly used abbreviation for an “alt attribute on an image” tag.

The main purpose of the alt tag is to describe what’s on an image so that screen readers for the blind and visually impaired people will read out this text and make your image accessible.

As for SEO purposes, Google places a relatively high value on alt texts to determine what is on the image but also to determine the topic of surrounding text.

It is what you say – and how you say it

If I had to sum up SEO copywriting in just two words, I’d say “relevance” and “popularity”.

Think of search engines as very fast and efficient librarians. When people search online, the search engine librarians scour their billions of documents and do two things:

  1. Return only those results that are relevant or useful to the searcher’s query
  2. Rank those results according to the popularity of the websites serving the information

To become popular, you need to be relevant. Write about relevant subjects. Use relevant words, i.e. words target audiences use. Put those words in the relevant places. Do it well and (eventually) you’ll become popular.


Just Write!

The most important tip for this phase of SEO copywriting is to just write.

The very final step in your SEO copywriting process is getting feedback. After editing your text, you should ask people for feedback. 

The Best book on CopyWriting

The Copywriter's Handbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Copy That Sells (4th Edition) [Bly, Robert W.]


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